SULTAN CHEMISTS INC -- EUGENOL -- 6505-00-153-8379 <pre>===================== Product Identification ===================== Product ID:EUGENOL MSDS Date:09/14/1992 FSC:6505 NIIN:00-153-8379 === Responsible Party === Company Name:SULTAN CHEMISTS INC Address:85 W FOREST AVE City:ENGLEWOOD State:NJ ZIP:07601-5000 Country:US Info Phone Num:201-871-1232 Emergency Phone Num:201-871-1232 CAGE:63536 === Contractor Identification === Company Name:MEDIDENTA INTERNATIONAL INC. Address:39-23 62ND STREET Box:City:WOODSIDEN State:NY ZIP:11377-3631 Phone:(201) 926-0331 CAGE:9K717 Company Name:SULTAN CHEMISTS INC Address:85 W FOREST AVE Box:City:ENGLEWOOD State:NJ ZIP:07631-4001 Country:US Phone:201-871-1232 CAGE:63536 ============= Composition/Information on Ingredients ============= Ingred Name:EUGENOL, 4-ALLYL 2-METHOXYPHENOL CAS:97-53-0 RTECS #:SJ4375000 Fraction by Wt: 100% ===================== Hazards Identification ===================== LD50 LC50 Mixture:ORAL LD50 (RAT): 2.68 MG/KG Routes of Entry: Inhalation:NO Skin:NO Ingestion:NO Reports of Carcinogenicity:NTP:NO IARC:NO OSHA:NO Health Hazards Acute and Chronic:EUGENOL IS IRRITATING TO EYES. REPEATED CONTACT MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC DERMATITIS. Explanation of Carcinogenicity:NONE Effects of Overexposure:EUGENOL IS IRRITATING TO EYES. REPEATED CONTACT MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC DERMATITIS. ======================= First Aid Measures ======================= First Aid:INHALATION: REMOVE TO FRESH AIR & FOLLOW NORMAL FIRST AID PROCEDURES. EYES: WASH BY NORMAL FIRST AID METHODS. SKIN: WASH W/SOAP & WATER. OBTAIN MEDICAL ATTENTION IN ALL CASES. ===================== Fire Fighting Measures ===================== Flash Point Method:CC Flash Point:230F Extinguishing Media:CO2, DRY CHEMICAL, FOAM. Fire Fighting Procedures:COOL CONTAINERS EXPOSED TO FLAME W/WATER. Unusual Fire/Explosion Hazard:AS W/ALL UNSATURATED FATS & OILS, SOME POROUS MATERIALS/RAGS/INSULATION/CLAY WHEN WETTED WITH THIS PRODUCT MAY UNDERGO SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION. ================== Accidental Release Measures ================== Spill Release Procedures:COVER W/SOME INERT ABSORBENT MATERIAL & SCOOP INTO A CONTAINER. WASH FLOORS W/DETERGENT/SOAP & HOT WATER & RINSE W/HOT WATER. ====================== Handling and Storage ====================== Handling and Storage Precautions:STORE IN COOL DRY AREA IN CLOSED CONTAINERS. DON'T EXPOSE TO TEMPS >95F. PRODUCT DARKENS & THICKENS UPON EXPOSURE TO AIR. Other Precautions:KEEP MATERIALS WETTED W/THIS PRODUCT WELL VENTILATED TO PREVENT POSSIBLE HEAT BUILD-UP. SPILLS OF THIS MATERIAL ARE VERY SLIPPERY. ============= Exposure Controls/Personal Protection ============= Respiratory Protection:WEAR A NIOSH APPROVED HYDROCARBON VAPOR CANISTER ONLY IF TLV IS EXCEEDED. Ventilation:MECHANICAL (GENERAL): ACCEPTABLE. LOCAL EXHAUST: FACE VELOCITY >60 FPM. Protective Gloves:RECOMMENDED Eye Protection:SPLASH PROOF Other Protective Equipment:LONG SLEEVE WORK SHIRT Supplemental Safety and Health PRODUCT ISN'T PYROPHORIC, DOESN'T REACT W/WATER, NOT AN OXYGEN DONOR & IS SHOCK STABLE. ================== Physical/Chemical Properties ================== Boiling Pt:B.P. Text:487.4F Melt/Freeze Pt:M.P/F.P Text:15.44F Vapor Pres:0.1 Spec Gravity:1.064 pH:7 Solubility in Water:SLIGHT Appearance and Odor:COLORLESS TO PALE YELLOW LIQUID W/ODOR OF CLOVES & PUNGENT, SPICY TASTE. OILY. ================= Stability and Reactivity Data ================= Stability Indicator/Materials to Avoid:YES FERRIC CHLORIDE, POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE. Stability Condition to Avoid:TEMPS >95F & AIR. Hazardous Decomposition Products:CO & CO2. ==================== Disposal Considerations ==================== Waste Disposal Methods:DISPOSE OF IAW/FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL REGULATIONS. Disclaimer (provided with this information by the compiling agencies): This information is formulated for use by elements of the Department of Defense. The United States of America in no manner whatsoever, expressly or implied, warrants this information to be accurate and disclaims all liability for its use. Any person utilizing this document should seek competent professional advice to verify and assume responsibility for the suitability of this information to their particular situation.